
Admissions Criteria 

Applicants to the program must display sufficient academic, emotional, and social maturity, be in good health, and be willing to engage in the challenges of a dynamic, observant Jewish community.

TRY is right for you if you are:

  • Excited to take ownership of your free time and ability to succeed in your courses. 
  • Able to get your homework and studying done without parental supervision. 
  • Prepared to live far from home in a structured environment. 
  • Ready to be held accountable for following directions and respecting rules and guidelines.
  • Able to handle the excitement and stress of new friendships, relationships, and dormitory living. 
  • In good mental and physical health.    

Application Requirements

  • Completed online application
  • Recommendations from Teacher, Guidance Counselor and Rabbi/Educator
  • Interview (and, in some cases, a psychological evaluation)
  • Full transcript from the previous academic year and most recent report card
  • Application essay
  • Study authorization from the school guidance counselor or other school administrator
  • Submission of curriculum from home school

How to Apply

1. Learn about the program

YouTube, FB, IG, email info@ramah.co.il

2. Apply

Our application can be found HERE

3. Pay your deposit

This will:

  • Reserve your spot.
  • Open the remainder of the application.
  • Enable you to submit a financial aid request.

4. Interviews

TRY is partnering with MyInterview, a platform that enables pre-recorded interviews. Once the student and parent(s) complete their interviews (with links to be provided in your online application), we may schedule a follow up Zoom call with a member of our senior staff.

5. In order to be accepted, make sure you have:

  • Paid your deposit.
  • Completed both interviews.
  • Submitted at least one reference.
  • Submitted your essay.
  • Submitted transcripts (via your guidance counselor).
  • Please note: additional forms may be requested.

6. Academic Review

Our goal is for you to return home, fully prepared to re-enter your classes.  This is what we need from you:

  • Speak with your guidance counselor about TRY.
  • Submit the Academic Authorization form in your TRY application.
  • Have each teacher provide a syllabus or table of contents, indicating the material that will be covered during your semester abroad.
  • We will be in touch with your guidance counselor throughout the process.

Let the fun begin!

Student Blue