Yuval Yisrael
יובל ישראל
What Is Yuval Yisrael?
Yuval Yisrael is a 3.5-week summer teen Israel experience for current 10th-12th graders powered by Ramah Israel and USY. The program will take participants through a transformative Israel journey including volunteering, deep dives into Israeli culture, joyful Shabbatot, leadership development, team building, touring, and hiking. An optional Eastern Europe program is available as well. Ramah and USY have decades of experience in designing meaningful and educational Israel programs for teens, the Conservative/Masorti movement’s future leaders. Please join us!
Poland and Prague Experience (optional add-on)
Before our Israel journey, you may opt to join us for an 8 day experience in Poland and Prague. Through this experience, we carry the memory of those we have lost, while actively renewing and returning Jewish voices to the communities we visit. This experience leads seamlessly into the Yuval Yisrael trip to create the ultimate summer experience. For dates and rates, click here.
Who is Yuval Yisrael for?
Jewish teens currently in 10th-12th grade, regardless of prior USY or Jewish educational experience, who are looking for a journey filled with meaning, exploration, community building, a love of Israel and Jewish values, and fun! This program is not designed for Ramah campers, who will continue to participate in Ramah Israel Seminar.
To read more about Yuval Yisrael’s values and who we are, please click here.

Mission Statement
Yuval Yisrael’s mission is to make the Israel experience an integral part of the individual’s Jewish journey. Our program allows participants to intimately connect with Israeli society and culture by creating an immersive Jewish experience that speaks to participants of diverse backgrounds. Powered by Ramah Israel and USY, Yuval Yisrael benefits from over six decades of experience designing and running exceptional, safe, and meaningful Israel programs with a focus on building egalitarian Jewish communities. Approaching Israel as a dynamic arena in which various expressions of Judaism intersect, participants engage in both intellectual and experiential exploration of Jewish tradition. Yuval Yisrael encourages the development of a personal understanding of one’s Jewishness and an individually meaningful relationship with Israel and the Jewish people.Who We Are
Ramah Israel is the programmatic Israel branch of the Ramah Camping Movement, the camping arm of Conservative Judaism. USY is USCJ’s youth movement for Conservative Jewish teens across North America. USY and Ramah empower Jewish youth to develop friendships, leadership skills, a sense of belonging to the Jewish People, a deep engagement with and love for Israel, and a commitment to inspired Jewish living through meaningful and fun experiences based on the ideology of Masorti/Conservative Judaism.Questions?
Email Benjy Behrman at behrman@uscj.org