Our Blog
At Ramah, we are dedicated to providing transformative Israel education, which in turn builds lasting impact for Jewish youth and our future leadership. TRY, Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim is a semester of study open to Jewish youth from North America (10-12th graders) interested in learning about their heritage.
TRY provides unforgettable experiences and equips participants with valuable skills. TRY is designed to prepare our chanichim (students) to stand tall and confidently by applying their knowledge and education to all aspects of their lives.
We are happy to share some of our chanichim blogs with you.

From Crying To Dancing: Living Through History on Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut
On Yom HaZikaron we went to the Tekkes run by Masa in the evening. It was a very crowded place, and we saw a lot of people we knew. It felt a bit strange because we were excited to see people but the mood was meant to be more somber.

Shabbat D’var Torah from Poland Masa
Every day we rely on our five senses: smelling, hearing, feeling, seeing, and tasting. Since Poland, I believe that these senses have been enhanced. I smelled the stench of leather shoes that my Jewish community walked their final steps in. I heard the cries of babies and young children as

Resilience and the Importance of Decision Making
All I had heard about Masada before I went was how pretty the view was, and how strenuous the hike was. While I found both those things to be true, I have never heard much about the history which, to me, is now the most important part. Something that stood

From Kibbutz Ketura to the Jerusalem Marathon: Community is Everywhere in Israel
Last week we got to take a much needed break from school and spent five days in Kibbutz Ketura! It was an amazing experience and we learned about the beauty of kibbutzim and their strong communities. When we got there, we got a tour of the Kibbutz from Leah

In Typical Israeli Fashion: Arba Esreh Anashim (14 people) in the Shelter Making Jokes
At 1:50am on April 14th I woke up to my roommates rushing out of bed and my counselor shouting, “Yalla, everyone go to the bomb shelter.” We had talked about the possibility of an attack that night, but I didn’t really believe that anything could happen. I was obviously wrong,

Israel: The Home We Made for Ourselves
TRY ‘24 is back! Poland was one of the most memorable experiences of my entire life. In my opinion, everyone should go to Poland at least once. As Betsalel said, “It’s our job to remember.” We should see first-hand what our ancestors went through, and we must share their stories.