
Where can I find all of the most important Ramah Seminar information in one place?

You can find all of the information you need by going to the Seminar 2025 handbook and pressing ‘control-F’ or using the “Find” feature to search for any topic that you have questions about.

In addition, we encourage families to view our password protected ‘Current Seminar Families Page’ (password: Seminar2025) . This page provides useful information (with direct links) on topics such as: Our recommended cell phone plan, the most recently updated schedule, our CampMinder login, and much more!

Q: Where can I find the group flight information?

All group flight information can be found on our Current Seminar Families page (password: Seminar2025). There are two important buttons there for you to review: 

  1. Group Flight Details (includes departure and arrival times, airlines, airport locations, etc.) 
  2. Important Information for Group Flight (includes critical guidelines and information regarding the flights and is critical for those opting out of the group flight)

Flight Related

Where can I find all of the most important Ramah Seminar information in one place?

You can find all of the information you need by going to the Seminar 2025 handbook and pressing ‘control-F’ or using the “Find” feature to search for any topic that you have questions about.

In addition, we encourage families to view our password protected ‘Current Seminar Families Page’ (password: Seminar2025) . This page provides useful information (with direct links) on topics such as: Our recommended cell phone plan, the most recently updated schedule, our CampMinder login, and much more!

Q: Where can I find the group flight information?

All group flight information can be found on our Current Seminar Families page (password: Seminar2025). There are two important buttons there for you to review: 

  1. Group Flight Details (includes departure and arrival times, airlines, airport locations, etc.) 
  2. Important Information for Group Flight (includes critical guidelines and information regarding the flights and is critical for those opting out of the group flight)